Monday, March 23, 2009

DAY 5 Pastor Paul's Perspective

(Abridged- will add details ASAP)
Got to talk to Paula and the kids early. We had a day to sleep in, but it was pleasant waking up early to talk them just after they got in from church. Early for me, Late for them.
I went back to bed and when the alarm went off played the snooze game until it quit playing. I won & went back to sleep. I woke up late, just minutes before we were supposed to leave to walk thru the slums. I got ready as quickly as I got and grabbed a bite of peanut butter so I could take my malaria tablet and Aleve. (Back and nerve have done exceptionally well on the trip).
Walked thru Kibera slums: Indescribable - prayed for one of the church members mothers who has aids.

Lunch: Fruit salad(mango, paw paw, pineapple), Sukuma (Collards) & Ugali, Potatoes, Fried Chicken

Left for Market to shop: Indescribable

Dinner : Spaghetti

Afterwards Surprise party from the kids for Sis. Lynda Martin, First Lady of COG DelMarVaDC.
Will give more details ASAP

Then the kids prayed for us!!! I’ve never been so humbled in all my life!!! Can’t wait to write more.

Kids Krusade followed.Back in room now to pack for early morning flight to Safari

By, the way, I am so PROUD of all of our Jr. Teen Talent Winners! Wish I could have been there to see you, but I am excited for you!

1 comment:

  1. yay i'm glad i can follow your blog now! ....but i have a lot to catch up on. have a wonderful time for the remainder of your trip!
