Thursday, March 26, 2009

DAY 7 Partial Pastor Paul's Perspective

Day 7
And on the 7th day God rested, but we didn’t. We wanted to take advantage of every opportunity we had. Our wake up call came about 5:50 as hot chocolate & cookies were left on the porch of our tent. I did a quick hair wet down, tooth brushing and we headed for the 6:30 game drive. We saw elephants quickly into the drive followed by hippos, crocodiles, giraffes, lions in a drove just waking up playfully, and then we saw it, the biggest of all right in front of us, 2 mother elephants, each with 2 babies. Phenomenal!
We continued to see impalas, gazelles, and multiple other animals and birds. We came in for breakfast about 8:30, a good meal consisting of juices, fruit, omelets, crepes/pancakes, bacon, sausage, and cheeses. Got a text from Paula during breakfast that she was headed back in to the house after she and the praise team doing the music at The River, Guntersville COG. We went back out after breakfast and saw the river lined with hippos, hills full of zebra, gazelles, wart hogs, and impalas. We were able to get out of the jeep at one point near the river. The river was filled w/hippos and a couple of crocodiles were close by. I was doing pretty good until someone grabbed my leg! I know I probably screamed like a girl. I will have to edit that portion of video. I’m just thankful that it was a sanctified moment. I think we had a very productive morning and mid morning drive. We came back in for lunch; salads, soup, grilled steak & chicken, stir fry veggies, fried potatoes & rice. Everything was good. I know I am gaining weight on this trip. Not good! Gonna try to get this sent out if I can get the internet stick and will finish day 7 hopefully tonite. For the afternoon drive we are heading to a Masai Village. They are the tribe that owns the area that we are now in. I’m looking forward to experiencing some more of the culture.
To Be Continued:

1 comment:

  1. There will be no editing of the video! We want girl scream and all.
    Love Ya
